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March 6, 2013
Estate Planners Focus on the Multipurpose Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust
Wealthy clients are no longer concerned about the federal estate tax. However, now the focus has
shifted to the state estate tax. Estate planners are looking for a way to
achieve many client goals with one tool to bring costs down and benefits for
clients up. Many believe that the multipurpose irrevocable life insurance trust
(MILIT) is the answer. The conventional approach to save on estate tax is a
bypass trust. Nevertheless, the bypass trust will not get an increase in the
gain amount, which could result in the beneficiaries of the trust paying the
bill. Some affluent clients have irrevocable life insurance trusts (ILIT). An
ILIT is a common estate-planning tool used to safeguard life insurance proceeds.
An ILIT shields the proceeds from creditors and preserves the proceeds for
surviving family members. Another common approach to save on estate tax is the Spousal lifetime
access trusts (SLATs). SLAT provides a means for a client to develop assets outside
of his estate, but still provides access of the assets to the beneficiaries. SLAT
property remains taxable and safeguards trust property. The client will pay the
tax on his estate, but can develop his assets outside of his estate. Ultimately
SLAT, reduces the size of an estate and thus the estate tax.
Estate planners believe when you combine the advantages of the bypass trust, ILIT, and the SLAT the MILIT is born. A MILIT does not have to abide by the state estate tax exemption. A MILIT provides protection for up to $5.25 million in assets. Moreover, clients can have a single trust as an alternative to three. For this reason, using a MILIT may save clients money in legal costs and administration fees. Another benefit the MILIT is while the client is alive the MILIT has the income tax shelter of a permanent life insurance policy, but after the client's death, the MILIT provides money to family members with the lowest income. Another advantage of a MILIT is that it is put in effect right away. This provides clients with an opportunity to?address problems with the MILIT before death?and avoid problems for heirs.
See Martin Shenkman, Wealthy Need a New Trust Strategy, Financial-Planning.com, Mar. 1, 2013.March 6, 2013 in Trusts | Permalink
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